Sup pops!
First of all, when i think of being proud of something or someone i think of ammon when he glories in God about the work they did. the souls they saved. and i think your safe in being proud of me if he could do that and have it registered in the scriptures for millions of people thousands of years later to read and study and use as an example. what do you think? haha ammon is the man. but other than that, these past few weeks have been the best of the mission so far. I am absolutely loving this area, and learning how to really follow the spirit. not that i didnt know how before, but now with someone thats only got a transfer, ive gotta really be on my toes. and im recognizing more easily everyday. were working hard and the Lord is blessing us DEMAIS!! its ridiculous, i feel like He's blessing me too much, like im not worthy of all these blessings, but i dunno, maybe its "the testimony that comes after the trial of the faith" that i had in my last area. my comp is writing a "dear john" to his girlfriend. (i talked him into it a little haha) but he just realized that he bought blue envelopes here so instead of calling it a dear john its a carta azul (blue letter) haha good stuff. anyway. love you pops. looks like the NBA is gonna wait for me to get back before they play anymore. they cant go on without me. haha. Até mais papai. Tchau.
Elder Bergquist
heres some pics from our baptizm this week. the older one is Shirlei. Absolutely an elect of the Lord if ive ever seen one! shes got a stronger testimony than i had up until the mission. shes going to be a leader in the relief society before i leave the mission. i guarantee it. and were working with her family too, her dad is the one with a bit of scruff and weve been working with him for a while, but he hasnt felt (or recognized) his answer yet. he says he cant feel God. and her nephew tambem who is the other guy in the picture, just that he works a ton and has school so its rough finding time to teach him.
the other is pauliene. and shes there with her mom and friend. her mom will be baptized soon too and her friend looks like it too, even though it was her fault that pauliene almost didnt get baptized. she had told her that the book of mormon is a book of the devil and were a cult and all that good stuff, but after going to an activity saturday and church sunday, we went to see how they were doing and she apologized for what she had done, and then they left to go hear an apostle talk at the fireside. theyre loving the young womens program, pauliene wears her medallion everyday!!
Hows it going back in good old Californ eye aye? Speaking of, theres a bairro here in our area called california. so whenever people ask where im from i respond "aqui pertinho, california" (pointing in the direction of the bairro.) haha theres also a filadelfia. Brasilians pretend like they dont like america, especially my comp! but they wish they were there. haha jk. kinda... ill answer your question first. oh and before i forget again!! Happy Birthday! sorry i didnt send it last week, i was in a rush because we had a compromisso with pauliene. but as soon as i left the house i remembered and i wished you a happy birthday anyway. when i got to their house i counted that story to them all too ha. that i had forgotten. but i didnt forget really, just for a minute. but i even wrote it in my journal monday night. and we sung "the lord is my light" and it reminded me of you. i always have thought of that as one of your favorite hymns. i could be completely wrong, but whenever i hear it i think of you. so happy birthday! and i cant believe your so old too, XX years. i did it for you because to be able to post this i know youd do that haha. or should i have put 29 years old? hahah
SO, did you have the baptisms this weekend that you thought you would?? yup :) shirlei and pauliene
Is Shirlei's family already members? nope. but one day they will be. ha were working with a lot of them. shes got a huge family and her parents are separated, but we are teaching her dad and sobrinho and we taught her mom yesterday, and her sister went to church sunday too, so we'll see in the end who all ends up being members. ha
How was your week? it was wonderful
Did any investigators come to church on Sunday? just seven. plus our two baptisms. it was a really good week. both of our baptisms brought visitors to see and we had a couple others too. i was really happy
Tell us about the people you are teaching... well were teaching paulienes mom and good friend, who should both be baptized here pretty quick, and a friend of shirlei and her nephew and a couple other people.
Any progress with Murilo? yeah, but nothing he has recognized. everyone else sees the differences... ha hes just a little blind. he cut his beard this week too!! haha
WHAT AN AWESOME story about the senhora that luciene e pauliene take care of (the blessing!)!!! How are they all doing??? Really good. pauliene is doing great loving the young womens program, and luciene should be baptized here pretty soon :)
How far away is you ld and zd? ld is about 20 minutes away by bus and lz i have no idea. hes in alvorado...but i dont know where that is haha
How far away is the mission office? like 40 minutes by bus.
Where are you reading/studying right now? all over the place haha. i have been studying a lot about the atonement and the role of it in the plan of salvation...
When did you have the most fun this week? the most fun...i dunno...haha at the baptism?? haha
When did you feel the Spirit the strongest? the spirit...i dunno...haha at the baptism?? haha
PLEASE share some stories of what all you did all week! yesterday we were walking to a street we had planned to knock and i stopped in the middle of the street and felt like we needed to knock those doors. so i started, the first like 4 doors, no interest, but my comp yells to me from the other side of the street to go in a house. (we knock one on each side of the street) haha so we go in and the guy spills his guts to us that he wants to find "the true church" (nobody talks like that, it was kinda weird) but as we were leaving he goes "you dont have anything for me to read?" as i was reaching into my backpack to get a book of mormon. he seems like he will be really interested. were going back tonight and well see for sure. but that was when the spirit spoke to me this week. we stopped in the middle of a random street and found this guy. finally priesthood!! :) tchê!!!
Are you exercising every day? yeah, some days more diligently than others but i do something everyday now haha
Anyway, thats my report from Belo Horizonte Basil this week. Until the next report. i love you all!
Elder Bergquist!
and my comp says i have to "botar um TCHÊ" for him. its a slang from rio grande do sul...tchau!!
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