Hello. This is Elder Bergquist's mom. I just want to clarify something that Elder Bergquist mentions in his email today. The mission that he is currently serving in is involved in a pilot program. The let the missionaries set up a blog and post spiritual things... it can be a talk or something from their own life that they have learned, etc. For example
here is the link to his companions blog. And another young man from our ward is also serving in the Billings Montana mission and
here is his blog link. They are also allowed to go onto facebook and post links to their blog, etc. The church is trying to reach nonmembers through electronics. Anyway, Elder Bergquist mentions this at the end of his email and I just wanted you to know that it is OKAY for the missionaries in the Billings Montana mission to do this!
how is everyone?? hope all is well. i hope the next earthquake isnt in california! we are praying for the people in japan. anyway, i'll answer the questions first.
I didn't know it was a rule for missionaries not to hold babies/children! Do you know why do you have that rule? (Elder Bergquist LOVES babies and little children so I know this is hard for him!)
i dont know why, probably because a lot of missionaries dont know what they're doing or got in trouble with parents or something haha, its in the handbook, so i will obey haSo, how was your week?
pretty good, this new referral, that referred herself, is really cool ha, she's married to a less active member and has 2 little girls, 7 and 5. and she has investigated before, they want the 7 year old to get baptized i think.
When did you feel the Spirit this week?
probably the cutest thing i ever heard, but it really got me thinking, when the little 7 year old said the prayer for dinner, at the end she said, "and i hope that you had a good day today too" anyway, i just thought how like innocent and loving children are, and i can definitely see why we must become as little children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. And thats one thing i have been working on is charity and love, so that was just a real eye opener i guess.
Did you get to do a lot of teaching?
not a ton, but we did decent, i think we can do more though, we're trying to do more every week.
Did you do any tracking this week?
not like door to door, but its warming up a little so people are outside a little more and we talk to people on the street as we're walking between appoinments or houses or whatever, we taught this group that was standing in front of the college, well it was just 2 at first but they started asking questions and by the end i think there were like maybe 7 people all listening, but i dont know how interested he really was, he thought he was a prophet and he asked our names and then was like whats your first name, becasue he didnt want to call us "elder" and i really didnt want to tell him...anyway i dont think he'll do much with what we taught, but maybe one of the others that were listening in will. hopefully we planted some seeds....I read from Elder Horspool on FB that this week is transfers, are you staying there with Elder Trijillo?
yeah, our district leader left though and elder trujillo is the new one
How many towns do you cover?
just powell, kinda haha its not really like cities at home where you know where the town ends though ha, like some dinners we go to are like 10 miles out of town and they're still in our boundaries, but we just stay in powell unless we get references out in the country, which we have gotten two, one we are still trying to contact and the other we have been over to twice, well the husband is a member, but the last time she met with missionaries, she was dating a different less active member, now she's married to him and she referered herself haha so thats cool
Do you work the town/ward that Xxxx is in now that he moved?
no, he's in lovell, but i trust them to keep workin with him, theyve already met with him once, he'll be fine.
Do you still see him?
havent this week, but i'm sure we will. he still goes to school at northwest (the college here) and has a lot of family and stuff in town
How are things going with his smoking?
last i heard he was down to about 3 or 4 a week, from like a pack or two a day....
Has Xxx consented to meet with you yet?
no :( we call him like every other day, we need to talk to the members he works with
Did Xxxxx go to church today?
no :( her sister was in town visiting or some dumb excuse, and we're trying to get her to go to her own ward now.How is she progressing?
she's doing well. she has read the whole book of mormon, and started the doctrine and covenants to section 11 or something, but she's having a hard time with it, she might read the pearl of great price and then go back to the doctrine and covenants she hasnt decided, but her sister is moving out!!!! really good news! so i think once that happens, she'll be just about ready to get baptized, and her son sat in with us and talked to us the other day that was cool because he normally goes into his room as soon as we get there. and he got a job! so things are looking up for them, estou animado!
Did you have any other investigators at church?
no :( its so frustrating trying to get people to go to church!
Do you go to institute every week? Is the teacher good? You need to challenge the YSA to give away a Book of Mormon! :) (if you are just reading Elder Bergquist's blog, he and his companion are over 4 wards, 1 is a young single adult ward)
not every week, but most, he likes us to try to be there twice a week, but we usually only make it once, but yeah, he's a really good teacher, i like him.
What did you end up doing for Pday last week?
last week...i think that was the week we went to devil's look out...? i cant remember haha, but it is like a mini grand canyon i guess is how they describe it, except not red and has a big river running through the whole thing (which is still frozen!!) haha
What are the plans for today?
well its almost over ha, we went to umm...shoshone natl forest...? something like that, and went on a hike and stuff, it was pretty fun.also i think i'm going to be getting on facebook this week, i havent decided yet. its optional, but we go everyday to the library anyway, so i might just get on, set it up, do some posts every once in a while, maybe do a blog, and then just kinda sign in and see if anyone has any questions while i'm doing my language study or something, i dont know yet, but we'll see. Derek and Brit, para bens! espero que ele nao tenha cabelo vermelho! haha Chad, keep workin, and work on your competitiveness too! (Chad is a freshman in high school, he is the 5th of 5 boys and the older ones are all VERY competative... and well... Chad isn't haha)
haha other than that, i hope all is well with everyone! i love you all! thanks for everything you do! have a good week! tchau!
Elder Bergquist