Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7/11/12 "when we bare our testimonies they will hear the echo of many other testimonies from the council in heaven including their own that Jesus is the Christ" (Elder Holland -missionary work and the atonement)

wooohooo!! steve nash! what a deal eh? haha im excited for that one. sounds like it will be an adventure getting to the reunion. doesnt sound like you, driving through the night ha. i think my daddy's gone crazy. haha sounds like the angels are just going up. good to hear too. i think im gonna like this mike trout kid. i love players like him haha. tell them to get the audio Book of Mormon for him and to read with him too! and make sure hes praying to have a testimony! dont use the word answer or response hahaa thats one thing ive seen on my mish that misleads people. they will receive a TESTIMONY, not a response! (His dad was telling him about a man that our sister missionaries are teaching that has a hard time reading English) the mission continues the same. the only thing that has changed is that he (the new mission pres.) wants us working much closer with the leadership of the church. the bishops and us LZs he wants to have a meeting once a month with the stake presidents too to involve the members more. im here in conselheiro lafaiete. ask derek about pronunciation hahah. its a city about the size of mo val and theres two large branches. the work is going real well, its a hilly little town full of catholics but were finding the Lords elect children!!! hes preparing them everywhere! we walk everywhere. and the new president is a grande homem de fé! (great man of faith!) im really grateful for the mission, ive grown much closer to my savior and much more appreciation for you guys! my family! this gospel makes a huge difference in family relationships. i know we can all have a reunion just like the one you guys are gonna be at one day in the celestial kingdom without a doubt of who will be presiding! God the Father. I pray that we can all do our part to one day have that reunion with nobody missing!! love you all!
Elder Bergquist

before anything else so i dont forget. they asked for a brownie recipe! for some reason that doesnt look like brownies! (He told me last week that someone wanted a cookie and brownie recipe, I was out of town and only knew a cookie recipe off the top of my head) haha but thanks. ill give them that one too. my camera is a fuji camera. i think the box is still at home. probably in my room. or at least it was haha 

sei la agora...and her name is keira rochelle...? (a girl that wrote him that he doesnt know and he asked about last week) tell Kaitlin i agree with the prophets! haha if she has the desire its a great thing for her! she'll grow and learn like she never thought possible! haha and tell chad not to fall too deep in the electronics thing of texting haha and for him to line up some dates for us with these girls and their older sisters hahaha! (Chad went to EFY last week) oh and my credit card expired!!! not really sure what to do about that, but im gonna need some help in case of emergency....ha

Okay, one more time... lol, the drinks that I sent you last time from Target, were they in boxes, bottles, or was it just the powder that you add to water bottles?  I honestly cannot remember.... they were just the powder haha dont send bottled drinks please haha no need to waste the space

Your camera... is it just the battery or is the camera broken? its just the battery, but sometimes the batteries are really expensive. voces que sabem...

I am trying to decide whether to teach the Book of Mormon or the New Testament next fall, what do you think?  they let you pick? idk theyre both real good. but i think the Book of Mormon is better hahaha "the most correct of all the books on earth..."

How was your week? wonderful!

How many lessons did you have this week? like 33 i think...? dont remember

Anyone ready for baptism? theres a little girl, friend of a member, we taught her family but they didnt all accept, it looks like shes gonna be going with the other family to church for now until her family decides to follow the true church. shes 12...and she wants to baptized real bad, she was like begging her dad 
How is your zone doing? pretty crappy to tell the truth. ha but its getting better

When did you feel the Spirit the strongest this week? in the "get to know the president and family" meeting, it was super good. a few things that got my attention. sister fortunato talked about her conversion at 13 years old and how when she learned about the plan of salvation it just seemed like they were reminding her of something she already knew but had forgotten. I thought about that and all these people already have a testimony that the church is true and the gospel is restored, they just forgot when they went through the veil. its our job to remind them and "when we bare our testimonies they will hear the echo of many other testimonies from the council in heaven including their own that Jesus is the Christ" (Elder Holland -missionary work and the atonement, a super amazing talk!!) and how we dont understand the power that we have as missionaries. President Fortunato talked a lot about that and how we need to trust in this power because its much greater than we imagine!! and he  talked about how he doesnt think its possible for someone to hear the restored gospel and not accept it, when its taught with power. i thought a lot about Ammon teaching the king of all the laminates! he tried to kill him for converting his son, but because of the power of God he too was converted. Thats POWER! haha anyway, i know God loves us and guides us through His prophet Thomas S Monson! and he has power! he wants us all to go back to his presence! lets do our part to get there! ill be praying for you all! love you all!
Elder Bergquist

ps  tell kaitlin "thats whats up. its about following the spirit. everything else will work out." and who knows maybe shell do like kelsey ball and get engaged! i was a little worried about getting a job after the mission, but i know its not the time to worry about that, so ill leave it to the Lord! TCHAU!

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