Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A couple of baptisms and his ID card...

Dallin's email to his dad...

Thanks pops. I always enjoy your letters. ha and yeah, the weather feels pretty similar to the weather at home right now. its like pretty warm in the day but not hot, but then cools down a lot at night. i wear a sweater in the morning and the evening pretty much every day. but it is more humid so even though its about the same temp it feels cooler at night. and i dont have a blanket because they said to only bring sheets, but luckily they had a couple here, so im not dying, but it is cold. i sleep with my sweatshirt and sweats haha. and thats good you still have time to play a little golf. i better be getting a letter from layton soon. and thats cool pres sent me a letter. (his mission Pres. from Montana wrote him) i'll see what i can do about writing him. i probably will at some point. but thanks for the letter dad. Love you! até mais!
Elder Bergquist

And his email to me...

?olá gente! como tá?
I came today to BH to do the stuff at the police station, so im at the mission office and everyone is waiting for me to go eat because nobody has eaten yet, so i kinda have to hurry. sorry! and i dont have my camera, but we'll get on those pics, so for the perguntas:

Have you gone to the police dept to get your ID? it was today, they called me last night at like 6 and we left at midnight, it was kinda crazy.

Did you end up having baptisms this weekend? we had aparecida and sandra. aparecida wore a temple dress haha it was kinda funny, but i baptized her and my comp baptized sandra

How is the teaching coming along? How many are progressing? pretty good, we're working on finding a lot because we found hardly any last week. but we found a family, well a mom and her two sons thats seem pretty firme. she had 7 boxes of cigarros, like i think 2000 and her son hid them in his room haha when we taught the word of wisdom. her mom is gonna live it too even though shes not gonna be baptized.

How is Roberta doing?? shes doing well but she works bastante and so she doesnt want to be baptized this weekend because we havent taught her everything yet

What was your most spiritual experience this week? probably with that lesson on the word of wisdom. it went really well

How is the language coming along? (I love that you use a little Portuguese when emailing us!) its coming, slowly but surely

Do you use your George Foreman? yeah pretty much everyday

Are you drinking bottled water? yes

Do you like the rice and beans? love em! haha but not just that. i like the other stuff too, those dont last haha

but i gotta go! love you all! tchau!
Elder Bergquist

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